SV43: Treatment Approaches for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Presented By: Regi Boehme, OTR

4 Contact Hours - 0.40 CEUs - 4.00 PDUs
$35.00 per person
Course Description
This program consists of three treatment booklets and three treatment videos.

Gaining Control of the Trunk (31 min.)

This assessment and treatment session demonstrates the principles of neuro-developmental treatment. By building on what the child has developed in his head and neck, the therapist helps him extend that control to his trunk and hips. The patient is a 14 month old with spastic quadriplegia. The therapy session includes: - facilitation of head and trunk control - treatment to increase spinal, pelvic and hip mobility - changes in sitting balance and upper extremity control - working with parents as active participants in the therapeutic process - teaching parents to modify care for carry-over.

From Focus to Function: Combining craniosacral and Neurodevelopmental Treatment (84 min.)

In this vdeo Regi Boehme presents a treatment demonstration originally taped during a Pediatric Therapy seminar. The child presents with a diagnoses of spastic cerebral palsy. An introduction provides the viewer with an in-depth overview of the treatment session and the patient. Treatment strategies and techniques are described as they are used during the session.

The Child with Hypotonicity: Treatment for Lower Extremity Awareness and Control (35 min.)

This assessment and treatment demonstration was part of a Handling Intensive Workshop. The session focuses on gaining lower extremity activity for quadruped. This two year old is able to achieve dramatic functional changes as he gains awareness in his lower body. Within the NDT framework, he receives, integrates and functionally uses new movement patterns. The therapy session includes use of specific sensory motor information to stimulate proprioceptive and kinesthetic awareness in the trunk and lower extremities use of myofascial release to gain hip alignment and mobility facilitation of components of lower extremity control.
Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the relationship of postural development and functional motor skills.
2. Describe the relationship of low tone to the development of postural control.
3. Describe the principles of neurodevelopmental treatment to fluctuating tone.
4. Describe the importance of establishing trunk control.
5. Describe combining craniosacral therapy and neurodevelopmental treatment as an approach for function.
6. Describe treatment approaches to improve lower extremity function in children with hypotonia.
Seminar Level
Level I Introductory/no prerequisite required.
Accepted by NBCOT for PDUs. Approved by the New York PT Board, California PT Board and the Illinois PT Board. For other State PT Board approvals click on CEU Course Approvals on the CEU Course Listing Page.
Complete all the seminars in this category and receive a special Certificate of Clinical Enhancement. High Speed Internet Connection Required. Wireless connections may not be consistently fast enough to watch long video files. You may need to have your computer connected directly to your high speed modem via an internet cable.
Target Audience
Physical, occupational, speech therapists, and other rehabilitation specialists. For special needs requests please contact us at
Order Options
This course is only available online.
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