This help series is designed to assist therapists and parents in providing functionally designed handling activities that can be incorporated into the daily care routine of the infant and young child to improve developmental skills. Each activity is demonstrated on a doll for clarity, intermixed with application to children with neuromotor problems, with discussion of the purpose of the activity.
Developing Postural Control and Movement Learning in Children with Neuromotor Challenges This manual demonstrates examples of intervention i that illustrate concepts of treatment for children who have special challenges. To understand the various reasons for problems in movement control, it is necessary to make some analysis of the personal experiential history of the child. There is a wide range of ability expressed in different children, depending on the cause of their problems. Children who have lived with a neuromotor dysfunction since birth have no memory of movement as being fluid and effortless. The personality of the child will influence his or her determination to express what is an innate biological drive to move. The most important objective for intervention is to assist each child in developing his or her full potential. Direct guiding of movement, with intermittent support gives new sensorimotor information to change the kinesthetic and proprioceptive feedback and stimulates new neural connections that support more adaptive functional movement. Provided in PDF download only..
Introduction to Helping the Physically Challenged Child Function More Independently (37 min.) Introduction to Helping the Physically Challenged Child Function More Independently provides an overview to the series and addresses developmental concerns, positional concepts, how to begin and coping with common problems. Provided in MP4 download only.
Introducing Functional Sitting (52 min.) Beginning positioning and preparation activities for use in therapy and at home are demonstrated on a doll for clarity. Basic components of sitting and the beginning sequences of physical handling to provide security and stability are presented. Clinical application exampes are presented with child with various levels of disability. Provided in MP4 download only.
Improving Control of Sitting (48 min.) This video builds on the beginning concepts of sitting and introduces the use of vestibular responses and more active trunk control. Concepts include proper weight shifting, actiivating trunk reactions, and utilizing postural alignment in relation to the supporting surface. Activities are demonstrated on a doll for clarity. Clinical application examples are demonstrated with children with various levels of disabilities. Provided in MP4 download only.
Preparing for Standing (39 min.) This video discusses and demonstrates a variety of ways to develop experience in the standing position without the need to support the full weight of the body. Practical ways to grade the weight bearing experience, taking weight on the feet, utilizing different supports, and facilitating a readiness to stand are all incorporated into this developmental preparation for standing. Activities are demonstrated on a doll for clarity.Clinical application examples are demonstrated with children with various levels of disabilities. Preparing for Stepping and Walking (32 min.) This video builds on the concepts presented in Preparing for Standing (HP4) and introduces postural and movement components needed for walking, facilitating more active trunk responses, and the importance of diagonal weight shifts. Activities are demonstrated on a doll for clarity. Clinical application examples are demonstrated with children with various levels of disabilities. Provided in MP4 download only.
Preparing the Child to Change Positions (42 min.) This video addresses the need for the physically challenged child to achieve transitional movements in and out of basic postural positions. Activating vestibular responses and righting reactions, variations in the use of supporting surfaces, and changes in the base of support are demonstrated as essential components in the sensorimotor process of learning and motor performance. Activities are demonstrated on a doll for clarity. Clinical application examples are demonstrated with children with various levels of disabilities. Provided in MP4 download only.