OL02: Visual Dysfunction as an Interference in Motor Control for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Presented By: Christine A. Nelson, OTR, Ph.D., FAOTA; Raquel M. Benabib, M.S., COVT

4 Contact Hours - 0.40 CEUs - 4.00 PDUs
$35.00 per person
Course Description
This is a Mutti Media course consisting of Text, Photos, and Short Video Clips.
Neuromotor dysfunction interferes with the sensorimotor development of the infant who has had a birth trauma or some inadequate intra-uterine development. The potential dynamic interaction between vision and movement control that occurs during the first year of life is unable to proceed when either system is limited in functional efficiency. In children with developmental delay we also observe that difficulty in the responsiveness of one of these subsystems results in persistence or exaggeration of selected responses of the other system.
To better understand the inseparable functional integration of these two subsystems of the central nervous system we need to review what we know about early development. As clinicians, we are looking for an understanding of the visual system that will assist us in finding the way in which we can direct intervention strategies along the most effective path to balancing the visual and motor syastems for improving the total function of the child.
Learning Outcomes
1. Describe how vision is a guide for movement and postural organization.
2. Describe the functional structures of the visual system.
3. Describe the importance of moving through space for new motor learning.
4. Describe the importance of feed-forward and feedback mechanisms.
Seminar Level
Level I Introductory/no prerequisites required.
Accepted by NBCOT for PDUs. Approved by the California Speech Therapy Board, the New York PT Board, California PT Board and the Illinois PT Board. For other State PT Board approvals click on CEU Course Approvals on the CEU Course Listing Page.
High Speed Internet Connection Required. Wireless connections may not be consistently fast enough to watch long video files. You may need to have your computer connected directly to your high speed modem via an internet cable.
Target Audience
Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapists, Vision Therapists, and other Rehabilitation Specialists For special needs requests please contact us at contactus@clinicians-view.com
Order Options
This course is only available online.
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